Domain Name Basics


Want to Buy a Domain for Life? Here’s How…

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Many BuyDomains customers who are interested in buying a domain for life are very pleased to hear that when a domain is purchased, it IS theirs for life – with the one caveat that they maintain the domain’s registration. Luckily, it’s inexpensive and easy to keep your domain registration up to date. In fact, most […]

7 Steps to the Best Available Domain Name

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

One of the first steps in establishing an online business is to find the best available domain name to purchase. Because a domain is your online home, it should be selected very carefully. In addition to being your online address, domains can also significantly impact your overall marketing success including SEO, PPC and direct website […]

Domain Authority = SEO Power

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Domain authority – a measure of how search engines “view” domains – has an enormous impact on a website’s ability to appear high in search results for target keywords. You probably already know that synonyms for authority include: rule, power, and sway. As with any kind of authority, the more domain authority one has the […]

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Business Domain Owners

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Domain Resolution #1:  Secure Your Brand: Do you own the top tld variations of your domain names (.com, .net, .org, etc.)? Do you own common misspellings of your domain name?  How about plural forms?  Too many companies have lost web traffic and customers to others who have purchased these close variations and alternate spellings.