Did you know that almost half of searches performed online today are by people seeking products or services? In other words, potential customers are online right now searching for you. Are you easy to find?
Premium domain names are the best way to make sure that potential customers and search engines can easily find you. There are several reasons why:
Premium Domains Improve Search Traffic
First, premium domains improve search engine rankings. Why is ranking well in search engines important to your business? Consider these facts:
- Google reports that there are 34,000 searches per second (2 million per minute; 121 million per hour; 3 billion per day; 88 billion per month, figures rounded)
- Hitslink reports that three-quarters of searchers never venture past the first page of search engine results.
Premium Domains Dominate Direct Traffic
Second, premium domains dominate direct traffic. If you are investing in offline marketing, it is critical that your company’s domain name is short, memorable, and descriptive. Why bother paying for a radio ad when a potential customer will never be able to remember how to get to your website.
Premium Domains Reduce PPC Costs
Finally, premium domains have been shown to reduce pay-per-click costs. This is important if you are considering investing money in AdWords (and you can invest a LOT – Google’s earnings were over 9 billion for the final quarter of 2011 alone).
Investing in Premium Domains Can Pay Off Quickly
An upfront investment in a premium domain name pays for itself almost immediately when you consider the benefits above. Contact our domain experts today for help in choosing the best premium domain for your business at 866-866-2700 (toll free in the US) or +1 781-839-7903 (International).